Here’s When Next 25 Countries Launch Xbox One


The Xbox One is getting ready for its second wind, as Microsoft prepares to launch in 28 separate countries this September. They have already gotten off to a fair start with Chile, Columbia and Xbox launch hotbed Japan, and this Friday will see the beginning of a great number more countries to receive Microsoft’s 8th-generation all-in-one gaming and media device.

Here are the next 25 Xbox One launch countries, in order:

  • September 5 – Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Hungary, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Slovakia, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Arab Emirates
  • September 15 – Israel
  • September 23 – Hong Kong, India, Korea, Singapore, South Africa, Taiwan, China
  • September 26 – Russia

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As you can see, a great deal of the September 5th releases include the Nordic regions, including Denmark, Finland, and Sweden, in addition to other European regions. A good number of these countries were initially slated for a Day 1 Xbox One release, however Microsoft had to downgrade their launch countries list from 21 to 13 last year. Argentina is also expected to launch later this year, but fairly soon afterwards.

By releasing the Xbox One about 8-10 months after the PS4 for many of these regions, it will be interesting to see if Xbox One console sales make a sizeable boom in the interim, as well as towards the holiday season. Right now, the PS4 is the 8th-generation console market share leader with more than 10 million sold through to consumers worldwide, and Microsoft has only given us retailer-sold numbers for the Xbox One. That number totalled 5 million back in April and Microsoft provided a number of 1.1 million Xbox One and 360 units combined sold since then.

h/t GameSpot

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