Steam Update Brings FPS Counter, Steam Broadcasting Live


In a glacier-paced move to compete with both the frame counting likes of FRAPS and the games streaming capabilities of Twitch, Valve has announced their new Steam client update will bring Steam Broadcasting and an in-game FPS counter into your Steam Overlay. This will highlight an update that otherwise deals with a bunch of errors and efficiency problems that have since been corrected.

For those wondering how the Steam Broadcasting service works, essentially anyone on your friends list can request to watch you play the game you’re currently playing. The first time you get a request, a plethora of privacy settings pop up, ranging from open access down to only people you invite getting a chance to watch your action. More on those rules and settings are available on Steam’s website.

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Immediately after hearing the news, I jumped into Steam to check out more of the Chris Redfield campaign of Resident Evil HD to test out the FPS counter. The immediate reaction was that it was so small up there in the upper-left corner that I selected. Plus, right now it updates the frame count about every second, instead of reacting with the exact data just as changes occur. It’s not the absolute best the feature could be right now, but it sure beats the hell out of paying for a third-party benchmark program.

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