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GameSided Top 10 Game of the Year 2014

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1 – Bayonetta 2 (65 points)

Our Game of the Year was almost not even a game that exists to begin with. With middling Bayonetta sales, the series was destined to fall into obscurity. It was only when Nintendo swooped in and funded development for Platinum Games that we even got a Bayonetta 2 in the first place. Thankfully they did, as they created what may be the most excellent action game in years. It definitely surpasses what the development studio has created on the Wii U, even in The Wonderful 101.

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What makes it so great is its dedication to gameplay. You can’t simply hack and slash your way through with simplicity; changing up combinations, taking pregnant pauses to pull off the strongest strings of hits and switching weapon sets on the fly are all necessary to adapt to beasts from both Heaven and Hell. The story, while secondary, is intricately concise compared to the original and expands its lore through collectibles in a respectable way.

Finally, Bayonetta is such a supremely awesome character. Her sexuality may be a bit too much for some, but within the context of an extravagant world, there’s a certain strength to it. Commanding attention whenever she enters a room, it’s the kind of personality that can out-charm anybody out there. The voice acting (across the board, too) helps to bring it all together in creating one of the best protagonists of the year, which is fitting for our collective groupthink in picking the standout Game of the Year for the year 2014.

Well, there you have it; our Game of the Year list. If you wish to share your thoughts on our list, or would like to provide a Game of the Year 2014 list of your own, make sure to leave a respectful entry in our comments section below!