Star Fox Wii U To Be Playable At E3 2015


The Shigeru Miyamoto / Bill Trinen Nintendo Wii U hype train keeps rolling along, it seems. After relaying the prevalence of side quests in Zelda Wii U, the Nintendo executive team appeared on a video for the Youtube channel Smosh, in which they reveal more information about other Nintendo titles. One such title is Star Fox Wii U, which is now reported to be playable at E3 2015 in some form or another.

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As noted by Nintendo Life, after racing Miyamoto in Mario Kart 8 (he picked Toad, as it should now be called the “Year of the Toad”), the Smosh team got down to talking face to face with Miyamoto and Trinen about a variety of topics. For one, the F-Zero series isn’t dead, but will only be worked on when the “right controller interface becomes available.” From the sounds of that, it may not be coming to the Wii U. Hey, it’s better than dying forever!

More importantly, Miyamoto confirmed that Star Fox Wii U will be ready and playable at E3 2015. While it would be amazing if it was fully ready by then, a showroom demo will look to include dual screen functionality that will allow for cinematics to run alongside current gameplay.

It’s an intriguing way to involve the Wii U GamePad, similar to how Nintendo DS devices have utilized two screens built into the same console. However, if it meant that you absolutely needed the GamePad to play Star Fox Wii U, then I might have some qualms about that. I’m sure there are a great deal of functions that come with the ‘Pad, including Z-axis movement, but it also limits the Wii U controller and multiplayer possibilities. The Star Fox series, as great as it is, craves gameplay innovation.

Star Fox Wii U (official title pending) is scheduled for a 2015 release, and will come out before Zelda Wii U. You can check out the full Smosh video below.

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