Xbox One December SDK Boost Helps Dying Light


Something that sounds like a statement out of Bizarro World, but is actually quite true; Microsoft’s latest console has been constantly updating itself over Sony’s newest console. In a complete script flip from last generation’s PS3 and Xbox 360, no less. These updates are also happening for the Xbox One’s Software Development Kit (SDK), with a recent December update improving the ability for developers to utilize the console’s embedded static RAM (ESRAM). So much has been confirmed by Techland in a piece with Gaming Bolt, who have taken advantage of it in time for the release of Dying Light in January.

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“We were using the latest version just prior to the new release that came out on December 12th. In terms of advantages, the main thing is just how much the ESRAM control has improved,” Lead Game Designer for Dying Light, Maciej Binkowski, reveals. “The new API allows you to do a lot more with the ESRAM, things devs have always wanted to do but were not easily accessible. This together with better tools (PIX) allowed us to really improve performance and tweak ESRAM usage.”

I’m not quite sure exactly in what ways Dying Light will see this performance boost. The game was confirmed to be running at 1080p and 30 FPS back on December 10th, although that was just for the PS4 version of the title. Althought, with a late-January release, it’s not like there will be a great deal more of programming or game development on the title outside of bug squashing and polishing performance. Perhaps it will mean a legitimate, solid 30 FPS that is hard to create in open world games early in the PS4 and Xbox One’s early console lives. That would be a nice focus to pursue.

We’ll just have to see for ourselves when Dying Light is released for the PC, PS4 and Xbox One on January 27th in North America.

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