Far Cry 4 Story Trailer Proves You’re Born To Be Wild

Far Cry 4 is just over a week from being released, so Ubisoft thought it would be handy to prove there’s at least some semblance of a story involved in the game. This story trailer aims to fill in the other half of the spectrum, one that has previously been covered through gameplay aspects such as bear-summoning and gyrocoptering.

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This Far Cry 4 story trailer doesn’t want to give it all away, yet we can venture a guess that it involves taking down the ever-dangerous Pagan Min. At the very least, the video has the antagonist tackle the criticism about ludonarrative dissonance, stating that the protagonist killed a large number of his men just to reach him at his humble abode. However, perception is everything, as you’re in Kyrat in the first place to fulfill your mother’s dying wish as you pour her ashes on the mountainous region. Solving a heated armed conflict seems to be integral to that journey, so at least progress looks to be made.

Ubisoft seems to not have the full video on their channel, yet the poignant Far Cry 4 trailer does cap off with promoting a pre-order limited edition of the game. Such bonuses include 3 bonus story missions and an impaler harpoon gun, just barely worthy of enticing extra pre-orders of the game. It wouldn’t be a Ubisoft trailer without them!

Far Cry 4 is out on PC, PS4, Xbox One, PS3 and Xbox 360 on November 18th.

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