A Street Fighter Free To Play Model Not Likely In Near Future

While it’s painful to see Capcom slowly edge away from its mainline console-gaming excellence it observed more than a decade ago, pushing for more mobile and free-to-play ventures, at the very least their fighting game mainstay in Street Fighter has stayed true to itself. For now.

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According to a group interview that had PlayStation LifeStyle in attendance, Capcom producer Yoshinori Ono was asked about possibly lookin at utilizing the free-to-play model for future Street Fighter entries. As relayed through a translator, he had a fairly promising response. “In regards to how to develop the Street Fighter series in a free-to-play model…he (Ono) doesn’t see anything very clear about the model yet,” Ono’s translator explains. Furthermore, Ono added that it likely isn’t happening in the very near future.

I made sure to include “very near future”, because Ono did say that there still is a possibility that it could be done for Street Fighter title (eventually). The hope is that it would be an off-shoot title that isn’t the main focus of Capcom’s fighting game intentions, similar to the terrible inclusion of Soul Calibur: Lost Swords was for Bandai Namco’s fighting game series. I don’t think the FGC should worry, though, as Capcom would be stupid to abandon their hardcore fans entirely after their annual outpouring of love at Evo and weekly local tournaments.

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