The Monthly Destiny Report

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Welcome to the first of what will hopefully be an ongoing column about one of the biggest franchises of the new generation of consoles (even if it’s also available on the older generation), Destiny. Destiny is a hugely ambitious project that Activision has not only sunk a tremendous amount of money into, but has an incredibly audacious 10-year plan for. I basically thought it would be a good idea to chronicle the journey of Destiny both in terms of how the game changes over time and personal experiences with the game, especially as someone who started out extremely skeptical of Destiny and has since become a big fan.

Before I get into my thoughts on the subject, as often as possible this will be a column with multiple viewpoints. As such, GameSided’s own Martin Benn has provided his experiences & thoughts on his first month on Destiny:

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This month, I have raised a character to Level 26, almost fully leveled up two subclasses, and participated in a variety of the events they put together. Destiny is still fun to participate with friends in some of the daily or weekly events as the gameplay is really solid and satisfying. I also created characters of other classes and races. Playing the game through the missions again as you get regular levels up is still satisfying because of that gameplay and the initial variety of learning a new character.

Destiny does however have a content problem in that it has created this loop of leveling up through the same levels you initially went through with little variation. You spawn in the same spots, enemies spawn in the same spots, and there just is not a lot of variety in the game for long periods of trying to level up. If you are level 24, it is incredibly difficult to take on those enemies that have resistances as they’re much higher level than you. So, much of what I put in my Destiny review has come true. The gameplay has stayed satisfactory, but the content loop has become a bit stale. It is still fun to play with friends and more of my friends play all the time as they buy the game, but at this point my time with the game has shrunk considerably.