Smash Bros 3DS Demo Unleashed in Japan! Several Streams Up


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You read that right! Nintendo of Japan released a demo of the new Super Smash Bros. for 3DS unexpectedly earlier this afternoon. This comes as a complete surprise – not only is the demo coming mere days before the initial release, but there had been no prior mention of a demo coming out until now. The demo includes five playable characters: Mario, Link, Pikachu, Mega Man, and Villager. The single stage available is Battlefield.

Several top players and fans are already streaming – follow the links below to watch the game in action!




I have also been able to have limited time on with this Smash Bros. for 3DS demo as I have a Japanese 3DS. My main concern, that playing the game with the 3DS controls, is a non-issue. The game handles very naturally in my hands, and I’ve been playing Smash Bros. on a Gamecube controller for years. Now, if you’ll excuse me… I’ve got some more Smash Bros. to play. It’s gonna be a long night.

Get excited!!!