New Assassin’s Creed Unity ‘Gameplay’ Trailer Is Light On Gameplay

If there’s ever a trend in video game trailers I do not like, it’s when gameplay trailers are released that are light or show just brief glimpses of altered gameplay video. The newest trailer from Assassin’s Creed Unity does just that, featuring edited gameplay footage we most likely already saw during E3 2014.

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From what I can gather from the trailer, a French character with an English accent wants to rise up against the established aristocracy that is plaguing 18th century France. Thankfully, they have our Assassin’s Creed Unity protagonist to help lead them in the fight for freedom and for fairness, as we see the same basic tenets of AC fighting, traversal and gameplay mechanics that the series has enjoyed millions of video game sales for.

Unfortunately, branding itself as a new gameplay trailer, Ubisoft really should have made it about gameplay. What brief moments we saw were edited to hell, and come from the same mission we already saw during Ubisoft’s Media Briefing at E3 2014. Furthermore, the last quarter of the trailer was dedicated to some god-awful pre-order incentives, including an actual slot-machine-illustrated incentive called the “Guillotine Spin-To-Win” weekly game that encourages earlier pre-orders for more chances to win real-life prizes. Comically, it’s also shown ahead of an actual bonus mission, meaning that Ubisoft or whatever marketing team responsible thought it was more important to showcase a random number generator to entice gamers than actual additional gameplay.

Even if Assassin’s Creed Unity turns out to be a good game (I quite enjoyed Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag), Ubisoft needs to rebrand their marketing approach. If controversies surrounding a lack of female characters in this game or their downgraded Watch Dogs visuals haven’t clued them in yet, I don’t know what will.

Assassin’s Creed Unity will be released on the PS4, Xbox One and PC on October 28th.


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