Summer Games Done Quick 2014 Raises More Than $700K For Charity

What an excellent end to a worthy speedrunning event. As Summer Games Done Quick 2014 draws to a close after a lengthy run of Final Fantasy VI, the event runners at Speed Demos Archives managed to succeed in raising more than $700,000 for Doctors Without Borders over the course of almost a full week of speedrunning classic and contemporary games.

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It’s a huge improvement from last year’s total of $255,160.62, as Awesome Games Done Quick’s success has helped to garner more attention towards Summer Games Done Quick 2014. SDA could not have done so well if it weren’t for excellent incentive bonuses (save or kill the animals in Super Metroid raised over $100,000; about 15% of total donations), $3 from every shirt from going towards SGDQ, all proceeds from the special Summer Games Done Quick 2014 Humble Bundle going towards the event, plus parts of profits from AVerMedia and SomethingArtistic going towards the total funds raised for Doctors Without Borders.

With increasing success for both AGDQ and SGDQ within their own rights as events, who knows how successful speedruns for charity will get going forward. Each time it’s over, it feels like the time went by so fast. For those who had to work during the event and missed a great deal of the Summer Games Done Quick 2014 streams, you can catch all the VoD’s right here. Eventually some of the runs and highlights will make their way onto Youtube, but for now this is the best way to catch up on some speedruns.

The fundraising might be over, but the fun still continues! At 12:00 MDT, the Summer Games Done Quick 2014 bonus stream will go live, with Super Smash Bros Melee and Fighting Masters tournament finals being broadcast right on Twitch. After that, it’s a long wait until January 2015, where Awesome Games Done Quick 2015 is expected to go live and raise money for charity once again. See you then!


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