UPDATE 2: The Phantom Pain trailer has been officially released as part of the E3 2014 Sony Press Conference.
UPDATE: And just like that, the video has been set to private. It’s evident that someone at Konami knows they messed up, as they were able to pull it off their channel in lightning speed.
ORIGINAL: For Konami and Hideo Kojima, E3 2014 starts early. A Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain trailer has been released early (via unlisted video), so watch it while you can! The game will be available to play on the PS4, Xbox One, PS3 and Xbox 360, and will be released in…1984?
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Yes, it looks like series director Hideo Kojima is up to his usual tricks, once again. While the trailer above does highlight some of the more unsavory aspects of war he had been teasing, there isn’t a whole lot of definitive information provided for non-Japanese audiences. What we can gather is that the game will feature Snake with a bionic arm, engaging in his patented CQC, a lot of light-glancing knife play, Octacon stand-in Huey and the tease of a Metal Gear Venom (if the trailer’s implication is correct). All set to a badass song called “Nuclear,” as performed by Mike Oldfield.
Hopefully, just like last year, both Microsoft and Sony show dueling footage of different The Phantom Pain trailer content, as there leaves a lot to be desired. We know the game will be about 200 times bigger than Ground Zeroes, thus will take up a lot of development time, but I’m looking forward to hearing the English voice acting of Snake to see if whoever does the voice acting (Keifer Sutherland or otherwise…) can pull off the seemingly-dire vibe of this trailer.
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain will be coming to the PS4, Xbox One, PS3 and Xbox 360.
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