As reported by Games Industry As reported by Games Industry

Sony Increases Expected Loss Ahead Of Fiscal Year Results


As reported by Games Industry, Sony is expected to add an additional near $200 million in losses in their fiscal year due to the selling off of the PC department and the declining need for physical media. Their expected losses for the fiscal year increase to ¥130 billion ($1.27 billion) from ¥110 billion ($1.07 billion).

It appears as though a huge amount of the newly-expected losses comes from compensating suppliers who purchased PC components ahead of the spring lineup and write-downs for excess components in inventory, as noted in a revision in Sony’s consolidated forecast.

It’s continuing to not look good for Sony. Although the PS4 continues to do well against its competition with more than 7 million units sold to consumers (versus the Xbox One’s 5 million shipped to retailers and the Wii U’s 5.86 million sold as of December 31, 2013), it will take more than one department doing well in order to return to success. As the PC department makes its way out, one wonders if the same will happen with Sony’s TV department. It has put quite a burden on the company due to the lack of foresight into putting all their eggs into the 3D TV basket.

If Sony as a whole brings up their game and becomes as successful as the PS4 or as creatively innovative as Sony Online Entertainment’s All Access games membership, then they can return to greatness. Getting there, however, won’t come without some disappointments along the way.


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