Madden 15 Player Ratings: AFC, NFC East Breakdown

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If the day in the week ends in “-day,” EA Sports is likely to release a new list concerning the Madden 15 player ratings. Already have they covered the team ratings in the AFC and NFC’s North and South Divisions, and now EA Sports has revealed their Team Overall breakdowns for the AFC and NFC East teams.

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Whether you were a teenager in the early-mid 2000’s, effectively making you a then-bandwagon-and-now-clinging-to-2005’s-relevancy Patriots fan, an inevitable Toronto Bills fan or a fan of racist team names, the AFC and NFC East have something for everybody. Granted things are a bit more balanced in the NFC East than in the AFC East when it comes to Team Overall ratings, but the 2013 NFL season results had those conclusions flipped. Perhaps 2014 will result in a compromise, where everyone simply finishes 8-8.

Instead of hoping for anything but that, let’s look at the AFC and NFC East Divisions, broken down by the Madden 15 player ratings.