LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens Set To Release In June


Update: It’s official! LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens will release for Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, PC, Wii U, PlayStation Vita & Nintendo 3DS on June 28, 2016. Check out the official trailer below.

It has been revealed that LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens will arrive later this year.

Original Story: Following a series of leaks, we now know that The Force Awakens will be receiving the LEGO Star Wars treatment. The game hasn’t been officially announced at this point (we’ll update you when it has), but it was initially brought to our attention via Amazon Italy and then via the website which detailed many of the features that will be present in the game and suggested a June 28, 2016 release date. 

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So, what can we expect? Well, the game will retell the story of Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens through a “clever and witty LEGO lens“. You’ll be able to play as numerous characters as well, including the lovable BB-8.

And in case you weren’t sold on the idea already, the game is going to include exclusive content that will bridge the story gap between Return Of The Jedi and The Force Awakens’ time periods.

Interestingly, the game will introduce new concepts to the LEGO video game universe, in the form of Multi-Builds and Blaster Battles. These new features have been detailed on the game’s page.

"“With Multi-Builds, use available LEGO bricks to open up new paths, then break them apart and re-build them again to open up another! And another! During Blaster Battles, use your surroundings as cover to stand against the First Order. “"

If this game is able to follow in the footsteps of the LEGO Star Wars games that came before it, we’re in store for something special. This will be the first game to dedicate itself entirely to The Force Awakens’ storyline, and with the ability to learn more about the events that occured between Episode VI and Episode VII, we couldn’t be more excited to play it.

A leaked trailer has already surfaced on YouTube as well. It showcases the usual charm and humor that LEGO games are known for, with what looks to be an incredibly faithful recreation of the game’s story. We’ll put the official video on here when it’s inevitably unveiled later today.

Are you as excited as we are for LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens? Let us know in the comments.