The Division Will Have 3 DLC Packs Plus Free “Group Updates”


The Division is a game that will be out soon and, because it is 2016, it has a plan to execute 3 large DLC around more frequent community updates.

Announcing the plans for post-launch support, a tenuous subject now considering we received bad and/or underwhelming news about Destiny and Star Wars Battlefront post-launch support through 2016, The Division developers have outlined a bit of what the community can expect upon purchasing the game.

As can be expected of most of the online only competitive shooters, The Division will receive regular free updates. Here is the explanation from Ubisoft themselves:

"“The development team is working on a complete post-launch plan to keep the experience fresh for the months to come, including several free updates, new features and functionality. The free updates to be released for all players will add new game modes such as challenging group-oriented operations to test players’ abilities in co-op mode and win unique rewards”"

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It sounds pretty good thus far, but there will also be more options for The Division in the form of paid DLC content. Specifically there will be three DLC packs for The Division:

  • Expansion I: Underground
    • This first major expansion opens up a new area to players as they explore the uncharted underworld of New York City with up to 3 friends for intense co-op action.
  • Expansion II: Survival
    • In this expansion, players will have to survive as long as possible in a very hostile environment that will challenge even the most talented agents.
  • Expansion III: Last Stand
    • Stay tuned for more information.

While there are not a ton of details for these items, Ubisoft would like to note you can buy the season pass to have access to all of this content. That’s right. The publishing giant made a big effort to let you know there will be DLC, both free and paid, but they do not have much of an ability as it stands to describe them in full. Currently there is no separate season pass price, but Ubisoft has made clear there will be additional incentives for those who choose to purchase it:

  • Exclusive Sawed-off Shotgun, a unique sidearm customized for short-range destruction.
  • Full set of exclusive outfits and weapon skins
  • Special monthly benefits including exclusive content drops and special events.

What do you all think of the way Ubisoft has outlined the DLC and Season Pass for The Division?

Source: VG24/7