Games With Gold January 2016 Featuring Killer Instinct

Microsoft announced their new Games With Gold list for January 2016 and asked a very pressing question… Do you have the killer instinct? For the month, Xbox Live Gold members on Xbox One will receive four new games and those on the Xbox 360 will receive two new games. Without further adieu, let us meet your new games!

First up on Games With Gold this January, Killer Instinct Season 1 Ultra Edition will be available throughout the month of January for Xbox One owners. Killer Instinct was the beginning of a bit of a free to play set up on the Xbox One at launch promising a new free character to play with every week and selling the characters to you individually if you wanted to play with them more often. The Ultra Edition includes all of the characters whom were available in the first year of Killer Instinct.

Next up for the Xbox One is Zheros, a local co-op sidescrolling beat em up game featuring bright graphics and a futuristic universe. That may sound a bit PR-y in description, but that is because I have never heard of this game until today! Above is a trailer so you can see a bit more of what it is about. It is a bit of the Incredibles mixed with some classic sidescrolling combat like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles or Golden Axe. Zheros will be available on Games With Gold from January 16, 2016 – February 15, 2016.

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For Xbox 360 owners and Xbox One owners through backwards compatibility, Games With Gold for January features Dirt Showdown and Deus Ex: Human Revolution. For racing fans, the Dirt series has wedged itself into the niche of arcade off road rally car and truck racing. Featuring the ability to perform stunts and plenty of fun off road environments, Dirt Showdown should be a fun game to play with friends.

A bit more cerebral, Deus Ex: Human Revolution is the second game in the Deus Ex series. Featuring branching storylines, the ability to switch between stealth or action combat, as well as some RPG attribute building, Deus Ex: Human Revolution is a pretty awesome game in a series of them.

Happy gaming, readers!

Source: Xbox Wire