343 Studios Offering ODST As Apology For Master Chief Collection


Halo: The Master Chief Collection has been plagued with problems from launch, making many Xbox One owners justifiably upset. Developer 343 Studios has vowed to make things right though, with among other things, a free remaster of Halo 3: ODST.

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There is no current release date for the Halo 3: ODST remaster, but one figures it won’t be horribly far off. In addition to the free remake of Halo 3: ODST, those who have played Halo: The Master Chief Collection online at any time since launch will get one month of Xbox Live Gold, and an exclusive in-game nameplate & avatar. It should be noted that these freebies will only apply to someone who has already bought the game by the end of today, December 19th, so if you want in and have been waiting for the problems with Halo: The Master Chief Collection, better grab it in the next few hours before the deal expires.


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