restaurant based on the Pac-Man license is opening in January in an Illinois mall. The restau..."/> restaurant based on the Pac-Man license is opening in January in an Illinois mall. The restau..."/>

Pac-Man Themed Restauraunt Opening In Illinois


IGN is reporting that a restaurant based on the Pac-Man license is opening in January in an Illinois mall.

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The restaurant will be called “Level 257”, which refers to the 256 levels of play in the Pac-Man game (get it? it’s a level beyond). The Pac-Man themed “Level 257″ is being constructed by Pac-Man developer Namco, and the upcoming 35th anniversary of Pac-Man will be celebrated there in May.””Level 257” will open in Schaumburg’s Woodfield Mall, in a warehouse space formerly owned by Sears.

No word on what the decor will look like or what the menu will consist of, but given that Pac-Man consists of mazes with neon-esque colors and many of the power-ups are based on food, it’s not hard to get a general idea. It does seem a better time for this restaurant would’ve been at the peak of Pac-Man’s popularity a couple decades ago, but I definitely want to know what a power pellet would taste like…

Update: We do have some details from Gamespot of what “Level 257” will be like. It will be a “high-end” venture featuring bars & lounges with fire pits along with a separate sports bar that will feature craft beers, specialty wines, and cocktails. There will also be 16 “boutique retro-styled” bowling lanes, pinball and arcade machines and board games along with a Pac-Man themed store. You can check out pics, get info (and apply for a job) through the Facebook page.


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