Games Awards 2014: New Zelda Wii U Footage


Nintendo showed off some new footage of their Zelda Wii U game due out sometime next year at the 2014 Game Awards.

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The new footage of Zelda Wii U showed off some impressive actual gameplay, as Link was shown scaling mountains, gliding, riding his trusty horse Epona, and even showed off a brand new trick, as Link was able to leap off Epona, pause in mid-air and shoot at his enemies with his bow and arrow. They didn’t give a definitive release for Zelda Wii U, but promised it would be out in calendar year 2015. That closed out the show along with a performance of Zelda music from the band Imagine Dragons. Check out the video below of Zelda Wii U and be sure to stay tuned to GameSided for all your gaming news!


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