When it comes to fan favorite characters, there’s always a distinct advantage given to those out of the limelight that show how much of a loveable scamp they are. Mostly this is accomplished by injecting humor in a tense moment, acting as the tough guy with a secret soft side or by acting out as a wildcard. However, I’d argue that a dog on the protagonist’s side will win out in all scenarios, and Kojima is taking that bet with MGS V: The Phantom Pain.
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At the Tokyo Game Show (TGS 2014) this week, game director Hideo Kojima and company were on stage to reveal an extra side-character that can accompany you in certain Phantom Pain missions. It comes in a wolf pup named “DD” (short for Diamond Dog and…well, you know how Kojima is), and he will act as an AI partner if you meet certain mission objectives. For all intents and purposes, you do not need to bring in the Diamond Dog avatar to Mother Base, but how can you not?
With TGS in its final day over in Japan, we’ve seen a lot of interesting footage and content relating to The Phantom Pain see the light of day with fans. With a 2015 release window, as well as seeing how fully-realized these size-intensive maps are getting, it’s a wave of relief. After playing through Ground Zeroes and noting its disappointing lack of depth (beyond side missions that retread familiar grounds), seeing that Part 2 is full of Kojima-approved extra bonuses (like DD) that have become series staples is a great thing to witness.
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain will be released in 2015, and will make its way to PC, PS4, Xbox One, PS3 and Xbox 360.
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