New Kingdom Hearts 2.5 Trailer Focuses On New Content

Kingdom Hearts 3 may still be quite a ways off, but in the meantime we are getting a pretty sweet repackaging of the last couple games on the PS3 in Kingdom Hearts 2.5.

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Square Enix Just released a new trailer that shows off a lot of the new content that hasn’t been available in America before. Things such as new enemies, new boss fights (like Monstro, who was a stage in the first game, but you never fought him), new weapons, and even new cutscenes and areas. So even if you played Kingdom Hearts 2 & Birth By Sleep to
death you will actually find a pretty solid amount of new content it seems. Check out the latest trailer for Kingdom Hearts 2.5 below:

All the new stuff seems pretty cool and interesting and gives me another reason to hold onto my PS3 awhile longer. If you didn’t catch it at the end of the trailer, Kingdom Hearts 2.5 is out December2nd, which actually is pretty smart as it has some space from all the October-November madness coming our way.


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