Sony gamescom 2014: Hellblade Announced

Man, I was not expecting that! As Sony was detailing their upcoming Indie PS4 titles during their

gamescom 2014 Press Conference

, one of said titles came to be in the form of a Ninja Theory title, coming first to PS4. It’s called


, and hopefully it will improve upon certain ideals of previous Ninja Theory bust

Heavenly Sword

after amassing several completed games since then.

More from Indie

We know little outside of the reveal trailer, yet we do see a female protagonist undergoing some form of blood ritual that results in ungodly, unseen demonic creatures approach her as she holds up an inscribed blade in readiness. The game’s website offers a bit more info, albeit while using a reprehensible description of Hellblade as an “independent AAA game.” Their goal is to inhabit the three factors that define Ninja Theory’s games: “ninja-class melee gameplay, strong character stories and a unique art vision. On Hellblade, we will double down on what we do best to give you a deeper character in a twisted world with brutal, uncompromising, combat.”

Look forward to hearing more about Hellblade in the coming months as more is revealed. I’m certainly excited, even though there is cautious optimism from the developers of the most recent Devil May Cry game. We’ll be here covering the events and news coming out of gamescom 2014 all week, so stick with us at GameSided!


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