Xbox Details Their gamescom 2014 Plans, Including Briefing Date

Seeing that there haven’t been enough conventions this season, gamescom 2014 in Cologne, Germany is quickly approaching. The gaming convention that allows the paying public to attend and play games in advance of their release dates, all the big publishers, developers and console companies will be making their best efforts to entertain and attract real gamers to their content. Microsoft (via Xbox) will be there, and have released a

promotional video

outlining their livestream content before the event is even open to the public.

More from Microsoft

Kicking off the week for Xbox is an exclusive world premiere of Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare multiplayer gameplay. Debuting on Monday August 11th at 1 PM EDT (6 PM BST), Microsoft hopes to entertain viewers on Xbox Live,, on Windows Phones and on their Twitch channel with some competitive multiplayer action, while revealing some of the game’s maps. Then, on Tuesday August 12th at 8 AM EDT (1 PM BST) Microsoft will be holding and streaming online their gamescom 2014 Xbox Briefing, where hopefully we will see some new gameplay content for upcoming Xbox One games, as well as some new game announcements.

After the briefing, Microsoft will be hosting an after-show, in which they will broadcast some gameplay demos, speak with developers and talk more about the games discussed during the briefing. Then, throughout the week up until August 15th Xbox will be streaming content periodically on their Twitch channel from the Xbox Booth, show fan highlights on the Upload Studio within Xbox One and release daily video updates through Youtube, and through Xbox consoles.

It’s a stark improvement from last year, where the gamescom Xbox Briefing wasn’t broadcast to the public via livestream. It allowed Sony to take the stage last year and impress, especially with Sony Worldwide Studios president Shuehei Yoshida opening up the show in his big comfy chair playing Killzone: Shadow Fall live on the PS4. I can’t wait to see more about Quantum Break and Sunset Overdrive, although I expect to be most impressed with something else entirely, like I was surprised with the quality of the Project Spark beta last year.

gamescom 2014 is open to the public from August 14th to August 17th in Cologne, Germany. You can learn more about the event at their website.


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