Microsoft Cuts 18,000 Jobs, Xbox Entertainment Studios

After Microsoft CEO took the time to address his employees in a public memo, it appears that it would be one of the last things certain employees would read from Satya Nadella. Multiple sources have reported that Microsoft has cut 18,000 jobs, most of which come from the recently-acquired Nokia Devices and Services division.

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Additionally, despite a renewed focus on the the Xbox division of the company, the sub-division in the Xbox Entertainment Studios will also shut down, according to Recode. Current major productions will retain its staff to see their completion, however, including documentary series Signal to Noise, Halo: Nightfall and the Halo TV series.

While it makes sense for Microsoft to cut their losses while they’re still ahead, especially with Nokia, 18,000 jobs is an awful lot to lose. The writing was on the wall for the 12,500 departing Nokia employees, and they had to know that this day would come, but any time such a large scale reduction on the workforce hits is still such a disappointing event. Hopefully the affected employees will land on their feet sometime soon.


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