The Evil Within Releasing Early, But Doesn’t Escape October

In an extreme effort to not compete with Call of Duty releasing its annual game in the year ____ (insert any year from 2003 to infinity here), every game developer and publisher is scrambling to find key release dates within October in order to capitalize on those pre-holiday sales. Bethesda is one of those publishers, hoping to strike gold with The Evil Within by announcing a one-week advance on the release date. The game is now set to launch here in North America on October 14th for the PC, PS4, Xbox One, PS3 and Xbox 360.

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While that’s all fine and dandy, it doesn’t quite get the game outside of the ill-fated month of October. You see, there are roughly 22+ significant video games being released in that month. The PS4, Xbox One, Wii U, Nintendo 3DS and even the PC will see at least one exclusive game released, which generally tend to be huge draws. Even though The Evil Within distances itself from the week of October 21st that sees Battlefield Hardline and Evolve come out, the survival horror game now finds itself in the awkward situation of debuting only one week after the fellow genre-related Alien: Isolation will be released.

The Evil Within seems to be an adventurous endeavour by famed game director Shinji Mikami, one that can bring the horror back to action-based survival horror games. What I’m doing here might be considered concern trolling, but with the game coming out on October 14th and sitting between some of the year’s hottest releases, we’ll have to see if the game can find itself caught hook, line and sinker by the gaming community amid a sea of content.


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