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Mark Cerny Developing A Smaller Scale Game For PS4


The architect of the PS4, renowned developer and games designer Mark Cerny told Eurogamer that he is currently working on a new title for the PS4, among other things. “I have a few projects,” Cerny remarked. “I’m getting sort of an indie title going – it’s not really indie because it’ll be fully funded. But it’ll be nice to be on a project where I know the name of everybody on it, as opposed to one of these large triple-A titles that staffs hundreds.”

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That may be the best approach for Mark Cerny, who may not have made a full effort when it came to acting as game director for the lackluster PS4 launch title, Knack. Spending years to help design an excellent console, as well as the interviews and fanfare surrounding and leading up to the PS4’s release, had to have impacted his abilities when creating one of two AAA launch titles for the platform.

Plus, hearing that the so-called “Indie” title from Mark Cerny is fully funded, yet is running with a staff small enough that he could name could be quite the in-between title that consoles could use more of. We’ve been hearing from many companies or company heads that have left their post or closed up shop in order to make smaller games, signifying an oversaturated AAA market, one that I’d argue spends way too much with their budgets on their games. With one thing for Mark Cerny to focus on, in creating games, I’m excited to see what he brings. Remember, this a man partially responsible for producing and designing some of the great Naughty Dog games of the 1990’s and early 2000’s; there’s still some magic left in him somewhere.

It’s got to be better than Knack, right?


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