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Upcoming Zelda On Wii U Could Feature Multiplayer


We’re not sure how, in what way or in how grand of a scale, but judging by an interview from Game Informer featuring Zelda designer, producer and director Eiji Aonuma, it looks like the upcoming Zelda title will feature certain elements of multiplayer gameplay.

On whether or not the next Zelda title will feature multiplayer, similar to the upcoming Hyrule Warriors title, here is what Aonuma had to say:

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"The two-player functionality of Hyrule Warriors is actually something that has traditionally been done in the Dynasty Warriors series, but they’ve changed because of the hardware and the second screen on your GamePad. Instead of having a splitscreen on the television, you have one-player playing on the television and one on the GamePad. When I was talking back about making Zelda more than just a single-player experience? That’s something you will see in the future, maybe next year."

With the upcoming Zelda title on the Wii U slated for a 2015 release, as well as a gameplay engine feature during E3 2014, it’s very possible that this game is what Aonuma-san was referring to by adapting around the pillars of the game series. It could also just be Aonuma stirring the pot a bit, similar to his approach to whether or not the featured character during the Zelda block of the Nintendo Digital Event may not have been Link at all. As in, it could be next year, or it could be in a future title.

Either way, it’s not like it would be the first Zelda game to feature multiplayer, at all. The Legend of ZeldaFour Swords featured up to four playable left-handed heroes, helping each other together all at once. The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD has elements of multiplayer, especially with the leaving of bottles that contain Miiverse messages. Whatever Aonuma has cooked up, hopefully it brings renewed excitement back into the series. A great title can help turn the tide of sales for the Wii U, and an excellent Zelda game has the brand name advantage to do so.

h/t VG247


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