Twitch Live Annotations Let Youtube Viewers Know You’re Streaming Live


This is a cool new function for those that like to both stream gaming content on Twitch, as well as upload static Youtube videos. Twitch has announced the creation of Twitch Live Annotations, which pop up whenever you are streaming gaming content live on those viewing your Youtube content.

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To better explain how it works; first one sets up their Twitch account to be paired with their Youtube account via their settings. From there, you can see an option that allows you to set up Twitch Live Annotations. Once clicked and settings are saved, any time you go live on Twitch broadcasting your content, viewers of any of your Youtube videos will receive a pop-up notification, informing them that you are broadcasting live. Clicking on said annotation will direct them to your Youtube channel, which will likely increase your viewership opportunities.

With features like this, it seems inevitable that a Twitch buyout from Youtube (perhaps at or North of $1 billion) announcement will be forthcoming. However, with features like this that are for promoting Twitch as a separate, but co-habilitative entity with Youtube, it is definitely reassuring for those that make Twitch the mainstay for their content. Hopefully Google+ accounts stay the hell away from any other login setup!


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