PS4 + PS Vita Bundle? Sony Says ‘Never Say Never’

Who knew that Sony Worldwide Studios president was a Justin Bieber fan? In an interview with Polygon, Shuhei Yoshida was asked about a potential PS4 + PS Vita bundle after mockups have shown up on retailers’ promotional materials. Mr. Yoshida has made it clear that nothing has been announced, but that all hope is not lost.

"Never say never. In the past, we did something like Bravia TV and PS3 bundle, so that’s even bigger. So never say never."

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While this is the same company that said The Last Guardian is still in production, yet showed nothing during E3 2014, a PS4 + PS Vita bundle absolutely makes sense. Seeing how consumers sees the PS Vita as a companion device, doesn’t it make sense that Sony sells a bundle that combines the two forces together? The PS4 already benefits from portable use with the PS Vita remote play, so it just makes sense, in an attempt to help the Vita save face, to bundle them into one competitively-priced SKU.


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