HP Machine Announced, Working To Improve Computing Dramatically

Everything we know about computing for video game products and services could be something of the past, if “The Machine” from HP is to be believed. Moving past the Silicon Valley-esque spiel, The Machine looks to serve as an architecture that can handle a great deal of data at a very fast speed while using a great deal less energy than what current servers use today.

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The HP Machine uses clusters of special purpose cores, photonics to link physical hardware and memristors that provide unified memory that works as fast as RAM, yet stores the data it receives permanently. What the HP Machine can end up doing is addressing 160 petabytes of data in 250 nanoseconds, running 6 times faster than a traditional server while operating 80 times more energy efficient. Due to its conceptual design, non-traditional storage units can be used (like pictured above), and can shrink down to fit into smaller computers and mobile devices.

What the HP Machine can do for computing and internet/storage can prove to be wonders for the gaming industry in the long run, as well. Even though it will likely be cost-inefficient to put into future generations of gaming consoles and PC’s in the near-future, its power alone is so tantalizing that it should hopefully be within the thoughts of those making and designing consoles in the year 2020 and beyond. Additionally, being able to use the HP Machine within mobile devices can rapidly improve not only the computational abilities of phones, but improve the quality of mobile gaming, as well.

The biggest benefit, in a physical sense, is the reduced use of resources required to run servers. Depending on the HP Machine’s cost structure, it could much more affordable for Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo (and among third party publishers) to host more dedicated video game servers for almost any online game. With a 2018 expected ship date, however, the future is still too far away.


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