Bayonetta 2 looks to improve upon the near-perfect character action hack-and-slash stylings that made the previous game a cult hit, but now it looks like it will do so with the help of mechanized armor. As revealed on the Nintendo Treehouse Live stream on, Bayonetta 2 looks to go full Bayo-mecha with our heroine donning a mech suit for combat purposes.
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In Bayonetta 2, the mech armor can be used to quick-dash, shoot projectiles and engage in metal-hand-to-hand combat, offering battle sensibilities that are similar to Bayonetta herself. When discussing the revelation, one panel member discussed wanting to see a model of the mech armor available for purchase, while game director Yusuke Hashimoto jokingly referring to the possibility of it becoming an Amiibo. Funny as the off-the-cuff remark can be, it would be rather cool to see such a creation be integrated within the Bayo universe, although I could see it becoming a rare and hot commodity along with other figurines of Bayonetta, herself.
Bayonetta 2 will be released exclusively on the Wii U this October 2014 here in North America. We’re wrapping up on the final news and gameplay demos surrounding E3 2014, so keep it here at!
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