The wait for Destiny is nearly over and a couple new videos were leaked today with regards to character building, ship customization and some competitive multiplayer. Like all leaks, these are likely on borrowed time, so you should check them out as quickly as possible.
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The first video is about the ship customization and Sparrow upgrades. It shows six different ships all with different strengths and weaknesses. It goes on to show a quick glimpse into some of the customization options that are currently available. There is also a glance at some of the subtle Sparrow upgrades.
The next video is showing a little of the character creator. How to choose your race, gender, face type, class and markings. Destiny’s level of character customization is fantastic and I can’t wait to create my own.
The last video is a brief look at what the new multiplayer gameplay will have in store for us. This particular game is known as “Control” and it is essentially similar to “Hardpoints” from Titanfall. The team tries to capture areas of the map and in the process destroy as many enemies as possible. The multiplayer looks fantastic.
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