E3 2014: Battlefield Hardline Gameplay Released, Beta Begins Today

Even though it has been leaked from hell and back, EA officially announces Battlefield Hardline during their E3 2014 EA media briefing. Essentially a “Cops and Robbers” edition of traditional Battlefield gameplay, the focus seemed to be on tactical online multiplayer experience, combined with an action procedural show style for single player. Plus, you can join in and play the beta TODAY on PC and on PS4, running at 1080p and 60 FPS.

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EA decided to show live gameplay footage of Battlefield Hardline with a new Heist mode, showing off robbers trying to make away with the loot gained from a robbery. From what I could gather, Battlefield Hardline looks to be more run-and-gun than traditional Battlefield gameplay, as getting away from the cops proves to be an exhilarating experience with a variety of cars, trucks, helicopters and ziplines. As always, you can count on the Frostbyte engine to show off ultimate destructibility.

Battlefield Hardline will be coming to PC, PS4 and Xbox One, and will be released on October 21, 2014.

We’ll be here all day covering the news and gameplay demos surrounding E3 2014, so keep it here at GameSided.com to stay informed!


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