The time is finally upon us. What has been in the works for months since the Xbox One has been released is finally within grasp. Microsoft and Xbox announce that HBO GO, Twitter, Vine and more than 45 new apps will be coming to the Xbox One and Xbox 360 in the coming months. Major League Gaming will also be making the jump from Xbox 360 to Xbox One, as all these apps are expected to be released by this holiday season.
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While there are no definitive release dates for HBO GO or any of the other apps, it looks like Twitter integration with the Xbox One’s TV capabilities takes main precedent. The Twitter companion app looks to follow hashtags based on what shows are trending within social media, all from the confines of the Xbox One. It’s certainly one way of liven up television; just add the internet to it!
Regardless, now we have HBO GO coming to the Xbox One. Just ahead of the E3 2014 festivities, you have to wonder if the same service will be coming to Nintendo’s Wii U and Sony’s PS4. Microsoft is pulling off all the smart moves right now by announcing service-related updates and features ahead of their E3 media briefing, one which they can keep to their focus on video games and less executives. We’re still in the first year of the majority of these new consoles, so each company will have to find the appropriate amount of time to talk about their multimedia functionality. The balance is the key, so we’ll have to look back in more than a week’s time to find out just who performed the best.
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