Homefront: The Revolution Announced, Exclusively On Next-Gen, PC

Do publishers know that E3 2014 is next week? Not one, not two, but three major titles have been announced today, as Deep Silver has revealed through CVG that Homefront: The Revolution is in development, and will be coming out next year.

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Being developed by Crytek, who continue to take over for now-defunct THQ, Homefront: The Revolution plays like an open-world FPS, where you or you and up to 4 co-op players via online play fight on American soil. Four years after the fictional 2025 invasion by the Korean People’s Army, players are cast into the life of “normal everyday dude” Ethan Brady, who bands together a collective of rebel fighters with the intent of kicking off the titular revolution.

Despite being outmanned and out-weaponized, players in Homefront: The Revolution aim to even the odds with on-the-fly weapon customization. Technologically speaking, the game will utilize the CryEngine to the best of the developer’s abilities, featuring a procedural day-and-night cycle, dynamic rain and other weather effects.

My guess is that either Deep Silver or Crytek saw something that most others didn’t when Homefront was released, as it had middling critical appraisal, at best. However, by controlling the reins from the ground up, perhaps Crytek can bring something exciting to the shooter genre. With annualized Call of Duty titles still being a thing (and looks to be that way for some time), the genre needs it.

Homefront: The Revolution will be coming next year to PC, PS4 and Xbox One. Check out the announcement trailer above, which notes that first gameplay will be publicly shown during E3 2014.


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