Atlus Bringing Fairy Fencer F, Daganronpa 2 & Disgaea 4 To Vita This Summer

Vita continues to be the source for Americans to get their hands on those obscure Japanese titles and quality JRPGs. In addition to the recently announced games by Sony and the rumored PS Vita port of Tales of Hearts, Atlus has announced 3 games they are bringing to the West from Japan.

Disgaea 4: A Promise Revisited comes out on August 12th. Disgaea 4 was released on the PS3 here, but Disgaea on the go is always a good thing. The Vita version will have brand-new scenarios, new characters and spells as well as the DLC that was avilable for the PS3 version included.

Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair will release on September 2. The previous game was recently released on Vita to fairly solid reviews. The sequel follows the same basic plot but this time takes place on a tropical island and has new gameplay elements such as Rebuttal Showdowns, which can reveal new information and add an extra dimension to the truth-seeking segments as well as a virtual pet mechanic.

Fairy Fencer F will release on September 23. It features similar gameplay to the Hyperdimension Neptunia series and deals with warriors called “Fencers” who search for ancient weapons called “furies”. Two fencers, Fang and Tiara, get caught up in the struggle between the goddess and evil god.

It’s great to see the Vita getting all these ports of cool quirky Japanese titles. Sadly it probably won’t help sales of the Sony’s struggling console all that much. But it’s great that Atlus is bringing these titles West and, as I’ve only played through Disgaea 4, I’m very anxious to get my hands on these games and all the other RPGs coming soon to Vita.

What do you think, GameSided readers? Excited about these titles? Let us know in the comments below!