Seeing how the Steam version of The Walking Dead Season 2 Seeing how the Steam version of The Walking Dead Season 2

The Walking Dead Game Season 2 Launches December 18 For Xbox 360


Seeing how the Steam version of The Walking Dead Season 2 indicates a December 17 launch, it appears as though the Xbox 360 version will soon follow. This is according to the Major Nelson blog, detailing the coming week’s Xbox Live store updates. The Walking Dead game Season 2’s Episode 1, “All That Remains,” will launch on Xbox Live Arcade on December 18.

Here is what we know:

  • Clementine will be featured as the main playable protagonist.
  • A Season 1 character has been pictured with her in Season 2 promotional material sent out by Telltale Games. (click the link to see who)
  • Choices from Season 1 will affect the story of Season 2.
  • Choices from the 400 Days bridge-gap DLC will also affect Season 2’s story. (My review)
  • Clementine and the other Season 1 character were pictured outside Gil’s Pitstop, a prominent location in 400 Days.
  • Clementine can keep her hair short.

There are still so many questions left unanswered, but Telltale Games plans to do the talking when they release The Walking Dead game Season 2, starting with Episode 1 “All That Remains” on Steam December 17th. This will be followed by the Xbox 360 version on December 8 as a standalone episode XBL purchase for $4.99 or as a full 5-episode season pass for $14.99. The release dates and prices for the PS3 and mobile device versions are unknown at this time.


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