(All entries submitted as of September 15, 2015)
When crafting a list of the 50 best Xbox One games available right now, several factors must be taken into account. First off, each game listed may not be a port of a title originally designed for last-gen consoles or specifically for PC. Second, remasters of older games do not count. Finally, the best Xbox One games list has had its picks ranked by two main hubs of evaluation. The first lies in the game’s overall quality, accounting for 75% weighting. The other 25% lies in the game’s exclusivity.
If you’re more of a PS4 fan, we’ve got you covered!
Next: The 50 Best PS4 Games Right Now
This list of the best Xbox One games will regularly be evaluated and updated as the weeks, months and years go by in the console’s standing as the newest Microsoft home console. Any changes to the list’s rankings will be updated by GameSided staffers, who helped to contribute their personal rankings as a team.

Best Xbox One Games List – #50 Watch Dogs
Developer: Ubisoft Montreal
Publisher: Ubisoft
Xbox One Release Date: May 27, 2014
When Watch Dogs was first announced to cap off the Ubisoft E3 2012 press conference, it showcased the hope of what next-gen could bring. While falling just a tad short of that goal, it set to serve one of the Xbox One’s earliest brand new AAA open world franchises.
As Aiden Pierce, players serve as either the vigilante or the villain of an alternately-futuristic Chicago. You and a very select group of others have access to ctOS: the city’s network of electronic services and devices. In a fully technological world, you become a God, bring chaos or peace at the touch of a button on your cell phone. As great as it sounds on paper, Watch Dogs relied too much on gun-heavy action and didn’t go too cerebral or poignant with its genre. Much like the Assassin’s Creed series, there’s great potential here for a sequel; tallying up what works and what doesn’t can set up an adventurous second chapter.
Next: #49 Madden NFL 15