WWE 2K24's Carlito wants you to be cool with the Global Superstars Pack

The man who is effortlessly Caribbean Cool has arrived in WWE 2K24.
Monday Night RAW
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We have WWE 2K24's Global Superstars Pack in our hot little hands now. One of the featured attractions is Carlito, and he is so much fun to play. I hopped online with just a little bit of practice and was getting wins consistently.

Carlito has an overall of 80, which doesn't meet the threshold for the resiliency perk that almost everyone runs. But most of my opponents weren't beating me to the point that became a factor. Slight disclaimer: I'm ranked near the top of the 2K24 leaderboard, so take that into account. That said, the character does feel pretty strong to me.

Two of his heavy grapples, the elevated flatliner and the spinebuster have been hitting at a really high rate so far. Being a heel for much of his career, Carlito also comes with an eye rake. Win if you can, lose if you must, but always cheat.

He also has the incredibly cheap but effective Lou Thesz press as his running grapple. His finisher, the Backstabber, as you might guess is extremely effective when applied from the back. You can press right on the analog stick to hit your opponent and make them turn their back.

But the finisher still works from the front, and actually gets a really cool animation. Carlito goes for a front face lock, the opponent counters but Carlito ends up behind them. Then he executes the double knee backbreaker affectionately known as the Backstabber.

Carlito has one of my favorite whiff punishes in the game too. A heavy strike to the opponent's gut yields a knee strike followed by a clothesline. The animation is super long, making it perfect for draining your stun meter.

Does he have the apple? Of course he has the apple! He pulls it from under the ring as you would any other foreign object. The Global Superstars Pack is included in the game's season pass, and is $9.99 if purchased separately.