4 ways to apply Carlito's Backstabber finisher in WWE 2K24

Four different ways to lay your opponent out with a trademark finisher? That's cool.
WWE 2K24 is drawing rave reviews this year
WWE 2K24 is drawing rave reviews this year | Visual Concepts

WWE 2K24's Global Superstars Pack is so much fun, and Carlito himself is one of the main reasons. He's got his signature apple and can apply various devastating moves to leave his opponent looking up at the lights. His finisher is the double knee backbreaker better known as the Backstabber. Here are four separate ways to hit your opponent with it.

Standing Behind Opponent

This is the most common way Carlito applies the move. While behind the opponent, press (RT/R2 + X/A) to hit The Backstabber. Rather than attempt to step behind your opponent, you can hit right on the analog stick to smack your opponent in the back and turn them around. This works for any move that needs to be applied from behind, such as Ted Dibiase's Million Dollar Dream.

You can also use a wake-up taunt (Up on the Dpad) to make a prone opponent stand up in a groggy state. If you hold RT/R2 while performing the taunt, they will stand with their back to you ready to be backstabbed.

In Front of Opponent

This one may be less of a hassle since you don't have to worry about getting behind your opponent. Simply press the finisher command while in front of a standing opponent. There's a cool animation in which Carlito goes for another move but gets countered, leading to him standing behind his opponent and then applying the Backstabber.

On the Ring Apron

For this one, you may need to Irish Whip your opponent onto the ring apron or reverse your opponent's whip to put them on the apron. Then after hitting the finisher command Carlito will pepper the opponent's back with several elbows before hitting a ring apron Backstabber.

In The Corner

An Irish whip may be useful here too. Any way that you can get the enemy into the corner, you can hit the finisher command and apply a corner backstabber. Even if the opponent is facing you, just starting the finisher animation will allow Carlito to do all the work turning him around for you. Carlito actually has some great corner moves, so this is not a bad position to work from at multiple points during the match.