E3 2015: EA Predictions, Rumors & Expectations

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Things I think we’ll see at the EA briefing

  • A Mass Effect Trailer

We know very little about the next game in BioWare’s Mass Effect series. Chris Wynn (Senior Development Director at BioWare), recently made a few teasing comments about the game on Twitter, but we’ve heard nothing else for a while.

Last year, BioWare focused their attention on the release of Dragon Age: Inquisition. Now that it’s out, they are perfectly primed to give us our first look at the next Mass Effect game.

All we know so far is that the game will not feature Commander Sheppard, and that it will be following a new story. The game is currently scheduled to release in 2016, so I’m hoping for a trailer and possibly some new information.

  • DLC 

EA will be releasing new DLC for Battlefield Hardline this month in the form of their Criminal Activity add-on, and we may even get to hear some more news about future content for Dragon Age: Inquisition.

June 11th will see the release of DLC for The Sims 4 in the form of Newcrest, a new world containing three new neighborhoods, each with five empty lots.

EA will be keen give these add-ons an extra push, and E3 presents EA with the perfect opportunity to give these additions some extra promotion.

  • More Plants Vs. Zombies Details

The new Plants Vs. Zombies game will be making an appearance at Microsoft’s press conference this year, so I’m expecting EA to follow this up with more details on the upcoming game. It’s likely to be a sequel to 2013’s multiplayer-focused game, Garden Warfare.

EA’s recent earnings release indicated that the new Plants Vs. Zombies game is scheduled for early 2016, so I’m guessing we might see some gameplay footage in EA’s conference.

Next: My Wishlist For EA's E3 Conference