GameSided Game of the Year 2014 | Daniel’s Picks

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2 – Bayonetta 2

My Full Review / Japan Version

It could be the pinnacle of character action games. That title may rest with a Devil May Cry entry, but you can be sure as hell that if Bayonetta 2 doesn’t reach that mark, it comes incredibly close. Nintendo took a huge gamble in resurrecting this Platinum Games series from obscurity, and for that they should be thanked.

Bayonetta 2 jumps right back into the action, as everyone’s favorite Umbran Witch faces off against angel and demon alike in a race to save her friend, Jean, from the bowels of hell. New gameplay mechanics add to the excellent basics that already exist, including intricate combos that are technically and visually stunning. Hideki Kamiya’s supervision over the sequel may not have been as hands on as the original game, yet the same strong and sexy charm that Bayonetta is known for shines through once again.

I understand that it may not be for all players. Because of its need for precise inputs, combinations and patience (plus a rather raunchy sexuality about it that may be too much for some audiences), it’s understandably a niche title. However, those willing to jump into Bayonetta 2 with clear eyes and open hearts can’t lose on this exemplary title.

Next: #1 Is Party And Fighting Games At Its Strong, Fun Core