UPDATE: Another firsthand account, written for Comic Book Resources, has indicated that Batman: Arkham Knight is still on track for release in 2014.
"The panel then played a second video game trailer for the new Batman game, “Batman: Arkham Knight,” the trailer featuring a voiceover with Thomas Wayne asking his son to look after Gotham over images of gameplay as Batman faces Two-Face and his gas-masked goons.Cunningham said the game will come out later this year, before speaking about the “return of Injustice” to cheers and applause."
It’s worth nothing that both accounts include the voiceover of Thomas Wayne and Two-Face. Additionally, each website focuses on comic books rather than video games, and the two maintain a rather sizeable following. We have reached out to Warner Bros. Interactive for comment, and will update our story once we hear back from them.
ORIGINAL: A report coming out of a DC All Access Panel at Wondercon by Bleeding Cool has stated Batman: Arkham Knight is being delayed until 2015.
"The audience was also shown a trailer for the next Arkham game, featuring the voiceover by Thomas Wayne of his “last will and testament” . He asks that Bruce “honors the Wayne family legacy” and urges him to “commit yourself to the improvement of gotham city”. There were some humorous moments, like when Thomas advises Bruce “do not be frivolous”, and don’t waste money on “fast cars”, and a destructive lifestyle while images of the Batmobile and car chases were being shown. The trailer featured a prominent role for Two-Face and plenty of car chase scenes, ending in a fiery exploding bat symbol. This is no longer as 2014 project, they reminded the audience, but a 2015 project."
This would be quite disappointing for those looking for a true next-gen multiplatform Batman game so early in the PS4 and Xbox One’s life cycles. Arkham Knight was announced just last month, meaning a quick turnaround to hit the estimated October 14th launch date would mean that the game would have been in development for quite some time.
A 2015 release date could prove to be beneficial for Warner Bros. Interactive for two main reasons. The first being that it would give the developers at Rocksteady more time to better utilize the hardware capabilities of both the PS4 and Xbox One. Things like textures, assets and game physics can be quite important to a Batman game like Arkham Knight, especially when you get to travel around using the Batmobile. Secondly, it would give the publisher a wider install base to work with. There are fewer games to compete with early on in a console’s development, but that also could mean the difference between millions of potential buyers before and after the holiday season.
We will reach out to Warner Bros. Interactive for a comment on this story. Batman: Arkham Knight is currently slated for release on PC, PS4 and Xbox One.
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