Infamous: Second Son Already Sold 1 Million Copies

In just 9 days, with a PS4 install base of just above 6 million, Sony and Sucker Punch have done the improbable. Infamous: Second Son has already sold more than 1 million units according to the PlayStation Blog, including both physical copies and digital downloads of the third person open-world action-adventure game.

Competing in a big month that saw the release of Metal Gear Sold V: Ground Zeroes, Titanfall, Final Fantasy X | X-2 HD Remaster, South Park: The Stick of Truth and other big titles, Sony should be proud of how well Infamous: Second Son has done in just a short amount of time. It will be interesting to see how the month lines up when it comes down to the release of monthly NPD sales figures. We don’t know exactly the sales numbers for each title, but having a one console exclusive with a near-definite number will help make software titles sold clearer in comparison.

Infamous: Second Son is out now exclusively on the PS4.


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