When it was announced that Batman: Arkham Knight both When it was announced that Batman: Arkham Knight both

Rocksteady On Why Batman: Arkham Knight Isn’t Coming To Wii U


When it was announced that Batman: Arkham Knight both existed and was coming to next-gen consoles and PC, some were wondering why the final chapter in the Caped Crusader’s Arkham series was not coming to the Wii U. Well, NowGamer got their answer when they spoke to Rocksteady Marketing Producer Dax Ginn in an interview. Apparently, it came down to how each device could handle bringing in the Batmobile, something the Wii U apparently couldn’t do.

(Bold emphasis is mine)

"We knew that we had to do it right – the imagination of the experience of driving the Batmobile that people have is that it’s fast, that it’s destructive, it’s kind of a tank in Gotham City, but it’s also highly technical – all of those things can only be done on next-gen."

It’s becoming more and more clear by the day that there are developers out there (including those developing Arkham Knight) who don’t view the Nintendo Wii U as a “next-gen” console, despite the fact it was released after the Nintendo Wii as a separate gaming device and was sold on store shelves before the PS4 and Xbox One were even announced. Say what you will about its inability to sell well or how underpowered the unit is; the Wii U is, by definition, a next-gen device. For Nintendo’s sake, the hope is that Rocksteady is of the minority opinion within the development community, not the majority.

Batman: Arkham Knight will be released for PC, PS4 and Xbox One on October 14th later this year. Check out a separate GDC 2014 interview, between PlayStation and RockSteady, down below.


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