It appears more and more characters from previous Super Smash Bros titles will be making ..."/> It appears more and more characters from previous Super Smash Bros titles will be making ..."/>

King Dedede Confirmed For Super Smash Bros Wii U, 3DS Roster


It appears more and more characters from previous Super Smash Bros titles will be making their return to the fight. King Dedede is the most recent character to be officially announced by Nintendo to be headed to the upcoming Super Smash Bros title on the Wii U and Nintendo 3DS.

It was not too long ago we heard the announcement of Zelda rejoining the Smash Bros cast. In fact, it was just over 2 weeks ago. I then pondered that the next announcement could be Donkey Kong related, seeing as Nintendo revealed characters to hype up their other products. With Kirby: Triple Deluxe being released in Japan tomorrow, the timing was right to see Kirby’s greatest antagonist in King Dedede hammer his way back onto the roster.

With an expected release of Super Smash Bros. on the Wii U and 3DS coming later this year, the increased pace for revealed characters is a welcome sight. Who knows which identity from the Nintendo universe will be next? Leave your guesses in the comments section. (Maybe it’s even Reggie)


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