Jump Festa is an annual expo held in Japan focused mainly on anime and manga. However, Bandai Namco and Square Enix always like to make an appearance and bring something new to the convention each year. With Final Fantasy X and X-2 HD Remaster coming out in Japan on December 26, the next big release in Final Fantasy succession will be the mobile release of Final Fantasy VI.
We have already covered the initial announcement, but today Square Enix has released early promotional material showing the game in action for Jump Festa ’14.
While the second image doesn’t look too bad (in fact, compared to the GBA port, background images and assets look improved), it’s the first image that brings the Final Fantasy VI port to mobile devices into problematic territory. The character models look too smoothed out, as if we are looking at a soap opera and not a grim RPG gaming story.
It’s par for the mobile FF course. Final Fantasy V, in my opinion, got visibly butchered when the game made its way to iOS and Android. These Final Fantasy VI screens look notably better than what happened in previous remastered FF games, but knowing Square Enix’s price points, seeing only still images and having not seen enemy/Esper sprites I can’t say that I am too optimistic for what its future holds right now.
I would love to be proven wrong, though! As such, we’ll be looking out for more developments in the production of Final Fantasy VI on iOS and Android, to be released later this winter. Seeing how Final Fantasy X|X-2 is coming out in North America on the penultimate day of winter, it could be a few months from now.
(h/t NeoGAF)
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