Battlefield 4 Patch Released

After days of complaints filing in, DICE has released a patch for the Playstation 4 version of Battlefield 4 that includes fixes for both singleplayer and multiplayer modes.

“We’ve included a number of fixes that should further decrease the amount of crashes and increase the overall stability of the game,” Battlefield community manager Vincent V. Vukovic said in the release.

The major problem with the game since its release on November 15 has been the game crashing with an error code which then led to a corruption of save game data.The patch released today should fix the corrupt data error as well as the following:

  • Fixed common crashes that could occur when changing weapons or maps.
  • Fixed a crash occurring when resuming the single player campaign.
  • Fixed a bug where accessing PlayStation Plus subscription resulted in a connection error.
  • Improved performance when shooting at destroyed Levolution objects.

Vokovic added that the company is continually looking at ways to improve the stability of a game that many fans have considered to be a broken title. Have you had any issues with Battlefield 4 since downloading the patch? Leave a comment below, and let us know.


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