Battlefield 4 For PS4 Suffering Crashing Issues

Yesterday, after having some stability issues coinciding with the launch of the Playstation 4, Electronic Arts posted — and removed — a message blaming Sony’s firmware update for stability issues on the console. Now, a day later, EA is taking some heat for a crashing problem that is plaguing the PS4 version of Battlefield 4 that seems to have nothing to do with the firmware update.

According to many users on the Battlefield 4 forums, players have been getting kicked out of games, and are getting shown error code CE-34878-0. Upon relaunch of the game, the game will load fine at first before telling you, the first time after receiving the initial error, that your save file has been corrupted and must be deleted. There have been reports that simply deleting the save files and then launching the game will solve the problem, but, for the most part, it only delays the inevitable from happening again.

I had no issues playing Battlefield 4 at first on my PS4, but then I went to a different application. When I tried to go back to Battlefield after playing a different game, I got hit with the error code, and all of my files had been corrupted.

We got the same error being reported when we tried to launch Battlefield 4

It shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise that Battlefield is having issues as it’s been plagued by crashes and glitches on every system it has been released on this year. Hopefully, EA and DICE realize that this is a major problem on their ends, and get it fixed sooner rather than later.

Have you had a problem with your copy of Battlefield 4 crashing? Leave a comment and let us know, or connect with us on Twitter @Gamesideddotcom.